Web developing(
) and software engineering(
Well known with Cigre/EPRI books and many engeneering
standards and magazines
Mathematics, Theoretical and Technical Physics: Mathematical
Analysis, Electromagnetic, Heat and photovoltaics phenomena,
Circuit theory etc.
Frontend: React, nextjs, SSR, SSG, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Angular, rxjs,
ngrx, babel, postcon- fig, viteconfig, graphql/apollo, graphql-
codegen, Redux, SWR, React Query, ngrx axios, fetch api, CSS/Sass,
css modules, styled-jsx, tailwind, styled- components,
material-ui, bootstrap
Backend: node.js, express, typescript, nest,js, typeorm,
prisma, mongoose, mongodb, passport, graphql, apollo- server,
gridfs, multer, npm, yarn, Lando, CMS: CraftCMS, Payload CMS
- Databases: MongoDB, Postgres, MySQL
Services: Services: Heroku, AWS, GithubPages, Namecheap,
Cloudflare, Cloudinary, Northflank
General purpose programming
Julia: Creating sofware using Julia and C/C++/Python/Matlab
based packages
- Python: Python: Quick-written application, pyplots
C: CUDA, Microcontrollers, console applications, CImGui,
Matlab/Octave: Creating scripts with plots, colormaps etc.
- C++: object oriented C++, CUDA, openGL, SFML, ImGui